Macrophyte Mondays


Hello attendees of the 16th International Symposium on Aquatic Plants in Antwerp, Belgium! (And others!)

A small group of students and postdocs who attended the symposium last November felt that it would be great to have an informal way for all the students and postdocs to stay connected between symposia. With this aim in mind, we have created a group called the New Macrophyte Researchers Group.

Through this group, we hope to host semi-annual meetings on Zoom (called "Macrophyte Mondays") to build a community where students and postdocs can, informally,:

- Talk about advances they've made in their research;

- Share exciting news about publications and applications (for grants or new positions);

- Disseminate information about openings for new student or postdoc positions around the world;

- Discuss some of the challenges associated with being a graduate student or postdoc; and,

- Make connections with other aquatic plant researchers!

Currently, we plan to host the first Macrophyte Monday on 3 June 2024, at 1:00pm GMT+2 on Zoom.

If you are interested in joining the New Macrophyte Researchers Group, please send an e-mail to You can still join the group even if you are unable to attend the Macrophyte Monday!

Please share this information with any students or postdocs who you think may be interested in joining. We have also attached a flyer to this e-mail that can be distributed easily ๐Ÿ˜Š


The Organizers of the New Macrophyte Researchers Group